Wong Strauch Aviation
Aviation Design
Aviation Design is a very unique specialty handled by a few firms that possess the technical knowledge, systems expertise, security design experience, an understanding of passenger movement and, most importantly, airline operations. Wong Strauch Architects possess this specialty experience with over 30 years of Aviation facilities design. Our qualifications go beyond extensive understanding of concourse design, including support facilities for parts, warehousing, baggage system coordination, people mover systems, mail sorting, fire fighting facilities, and tower control facilities, giving the owner a vast portfolio of experience to draw from. We will draw from this experience (shown below) and use this expertise to create the most efficient and architecturally pleasing facility for the owner and end user.
Demonstrated Aviation Experience
Denver International Airport
Wong Strauch Architects current projects at DIA include a $27 million dollar, 80,000 GSF 5 gate West Expansion of Concourse C for Southwest Airlines and a $15 million dollar International Node Gate for Hardstand Arrivals on Concourse A.

Concourse C West 5 Gate Expansion
Wong Strauch Architects provided the architect of record services to complete the design and documentation for the West expansion of Concourse C at DIA. The project creates 5 new mainline gates and remodels 4 existing gates on this overcrowded concourse and greatly improves the conditions and flow of the facility. The Facility is smaller in scale building attached to the larger Concourse C, although the layout and interior spaces will provide the passenger with a similar level of quality and comfort experienced in the remainder of the building, including a central clerestory running the 400 foot length of the addition.
With an extremely tight schedule, the WSA team delivered Design Development through Construction Documents in 4 months, meeting the extremely tight construction schedule of 13 months. WSA’s team created 4 unique Bid Packages and Coordinated with a 5th $13 million dollar apron paving package. This has given the Airport 40,000 SF of additional holdroom, concession and restroom space and 40,000 SF of apron space, which has been converted to ramp operations. Care in detailing and coordination with DIA will provide an aircraft parking layout which will accommodate a differing aircraft mix for years to come, and also allow for additional expansions without interruption of the apron operations area. The
$27 million dollar project is within DIA’s budget and completed on schedule in November of 2014.
Wong Strauch Architects participation in the creation of Denver International Airport included multiple tasks at Concourse B. These included (among others) Contract Administration of Concourse B, Tenant Improvements Concourse B, Concourse B Modifications, the Aircraft Parts Distribution Facility (APDF) addition to the concourse central core including a Pneumatic Parts Distribution System and an Automated Storage and Retrieval System, the Mail Handling Facility addition to the west end of the concourse and the Domestic Commuter Facilities (DCF) at the east end of the concourse. These projects, representing over $283 million in construction costs, were all coordinated simultaneously as well as with the other construction concurrently happening at the airport.

Following is a summary of these projects with descriptions of the work performed and some example photos.
Client: City and County of Denver
Location: Denver International Airport
Client Contact: Mark Adams PE, Facility Services Supervisor
Frank Palumbo PE, Senior Project Manager
(303) 348-2762
(303) 342-2639
Concourse B Core and Shell Construction Administration
This project was completed ahead of schedule. The construction cost was approximately $173 million. WSA coordinated the services of over ten consultants under our Joint Venture contract, providing services on this and five other projects simultaneously.
Wong Strauch Architects provided Construction Administration for the entire construction of Concourse B. This project included all modifications required to accommodate construction of United Airlines Tenant Improvements, coordination of the Art Program, interface with the other contracts providing standardized building systems (such as security, fire alarm, communications, baggage system, etc.) and interface with other WSA projects on the concourse. Along with other projects at Concourse B during this time frame, WSA designed and/or coordinated a quarter of a billion dollars in construction.

Concourse B Tenant Improvements
This was a Fast-track project completed ahead of schedule. The total proposed construction cost for this contract was initially $77 million. The scope for some of these projects was redefined and therefore the actual Construction cost was approximately $91 million. WSA coordinated the services of 10+ consultants under our Contract.
WSA provided design of all modifications to the prototype Concourse as required by United Airlines to support their operations. Individual tasks included Space Planning and Interior Design of operational office areas, Space Planning and Interior Design of Administrative office areas. Also included were design of passenger check-in and service counters, modification of concourse finishes to reflect United’s corporate image, and design of United’s Employee Cafeteria, Medical area and Training area. Approximately 2,000,000 square feet of space was designed. Coordination of the Sculpture was included. These tasks were carried out in close coordination with the Core/Shell construction of Concourse B. They required interface with multiple other contracts providing standardized building systems such as security, fire alarm, communications, baggage systems and more.

Aircraft Parts Distribution Facility (APDF)
This project was completed simultaneously with the preceding 2 projects and was a part of the same schedule. The construction cost for the following three elements of the project was approximately $19 million.
United’s Aircraft Parts Distribution Facility, located just to the north of the Concourse B central core is a three story open warehouse housing an Automated Storage and Retrieval System, a Pneumatic Parts Distribution system and high bay shelf storage. From this facility aircraft parts are distributed to United’s gates and maintenance facility at DIA and to other airports throughout the southwest. Above the APDF, the ramp control tower extends ten stories above ground level the ramp control and observation (CAB) level. This project included extensive operational casework within the warehouse and custom designed computer console counters in the CAB. This project also included an elevator tower added to the south side of the central core of Concourse B and baggage tunnels from the basement to the Apron Level at each gate.
Integrated into the Aircraft Parts Distribution Facility was the Pneumatic Parts Distribution System this tenĀ inch pneumatic tube system is designed to deliver aircraft parts from the central warehouse to nineteen different locations on Concourse B. Services included the Preparation of the Request for Proposal Documents establishing the criteria for the Design Build Installation, the Proposal Evaluation and Construction Administration.
Also integrated into APDF was an Automated Storage and Retrieval System. An integral part of the Aircraft Parts Distribution Facility, this is a state-of-the-art robotic system providing storage and automated retrieval of 83,000 aircraft parts as well as a built-in inventory control system. Services included the preparation of the Request for Proposal Documents establishing the criteria for the Design/Build installation, Proposal Evaluation and Construction Administration.
Gross fees vary from $2,800 to $1.25 million. In most cases the original Schedule and Budget was maintained except for instances where the project was delayed, cancelled, or the scope changed.
The On-Call Team includes coordination with Mechanical/Electrical, Structural, and Civil Engineers as well as several specialty consultants when applicable.
On-Call Contract CE03021 (April 2010- March 2014)
WSA’s Team has provided services on the following projects to-date.
- Demo of Mountain Mirage water Fountain
- Concourse C East Baggage Tunnel Slab Repair
- Air Intake Revisions Center Core Se Quad
- Airport Office Building 8th Floor Finance Department
- Programming/Schematic Design Concourse A East International Node – Current Project
- Concourse C West 5 Gate Expansion – Current Project
Expand Concourse C to the West with five new mainline gates including 60′ from building. Addition to Concourse shall be approximately 120 feet wide and 400 feet long, encompassing 80,000 GSF. The new facility is design to LEED Silver. (Estimated Const.
Cost $27 million.)
On-Call Contract CE52005 (2005 -April 2010)
WSA’s Team provided services on approximately sixteen miscellaneous projects.
- Elevator Replacements AE11 and BE16
- Workforce Development Offices
- Canine Relief Run
- USO Facility Concourse ‘A’ Construction Documents through Contract Administration
- Concourse Ceiling Replacement
- Gates C28 and C29
- Concourse ‘C’ Moving walkways
- Concourse ‘A’ Ventilation
- Security Checkpoint Break rooms
- Concourse ‘C’ Door 3456
- Concourse Finishes Upgrades
- Gate A-39 Fuel Pit Relocation
- Terminal/AOB Carpet Specification
- Concourse B Carpet Replacement
- Parsons/HNTB Space Plan
- AOB ih Floor Office Remodel
On-Call Contract CE22058 (2003-2004)
WSA’s Team provided professional services on nine miscellaneous projects such as:
- Frontier Airlines Gates A24/A25 Phase II
- Gate A52
- Concourse ‘A’ West Expansion Preliminary Study (smaller version)
- Airfield Rescue and Fire Facility Preliminary Design
- Frontier Airlines Break room Ceiling Concourse ‘A’
- Construction Administration Elevator BE13
- Preliminary Design USO Facility Concourse ‘A’
On-Call Contract CE13001 (2001-2002)
WSA’s Team provided professional services on 29 miscellaneous projects. Examples follow.
- Bus waiting
- Loading Bridge Replacement
- Concourse ‘A’ Inspector’s Office
- Domestic Commuter Facility Finish Upgrade
- Frontier Gates A26 and A28
- Concourse ‘A’ Feasibility Study for West End Expansion
- Concourse ‘A’ West Expansion Preliminary Design
- Commuter Facility Evaluation and Cost Estimate
- Concourse ‘B’ Level 6 Gate Management System
- British Airways Club Concourse ‘A’
- Frontier Gates A24 and 25
- Elevator BE13 and AE10 Replacement
- MUFIDS Preliminary Design
Jacobs On-Call (2008-2009)
As an Associate Architect, WSA has provided miscellaneous services for four projects to-date.
- Conceptual Hold Room of the Future
- FlDS Implementation
- QA Lab
- Concourse A Expansion
BAB On-Call (2008-2009)
As an Associate Architect, WSA has provided conceptual services on three projects to-date.
- Terminal Connector Rendering
- DIA Gate C50 Remodel
- Mezzanine Restroom Rendering
Richard Weingardt Consultant’s On-Call (2008)
- Airfield Rescue and Fire Facility Interior Remodel
United Airlines On-Call (2000-2001)
Twelve Miscellaneous On-Call type Projects.
- Four Gates Concourse A
- MK Processing Center
- De-Icing Facility
- Hydrant Test Stand
- Hangar Deluge Detention
- Tenant Finishes
- Customer Service
- Fueler’s Area
- Wellness Center and Ground Radio
- Unclaimed Baggage
- Hangar Fuel Lines and Slab Repair
- Programming
- Concourse ‘A’ Project Definition
- Project Definition Phase II ODs
- Gate Forecast Study
- Alternate Concept VE
United Airlines On-Call (2009)
- Office Relocation
- Conceptual Red Carpet Club Remodel
- Continental – Relocation to Concourse ‘B’
- United Airlines – Concourse A Eight Gate Expansion
- United Airlines – Earnest Facility Management
- United Airlines – Medical Facility on Concourse B
- United Airlines – Postal Facility on Concourse B
- United Airlines – Training Facility on Concourse B
- United Airlines – Concourse B Signage Coordination
- United Airlines – Operations Control Room
- United Airlines – Red Carpet Club
- United Express- Domestic Commuter Facilities (North and South) a 17 gate and a 10 gate facility
- United Airlines – Gates B 38 and B42
- United Airlines – Expansion Feasibility
- Budget Rent-a-Car Facility
- National Rent-a-Car Facility
- United Airlines – Expansion of Concourse B (fast track, phased, operational airport never closing more than two gates, largest remodel City and County of Denver had undertaken up to that date)
- United Airlines – Concourse A Boarding Area Redesign
- United Airlines – Reservations Building Renovation
Concourse A Expansion Feasibility Study through 30% Const. Documents/ GMP Phase
The schedule for the preliminary phase was met and the budget established. Design was completed through 30% Construction Documents/ GMP phase. At that point the project was placed on hold by DIA. The Design Team included coordination of nine consultants.
A Feasibility Study was provided illustrating several scenarios to expand Concourse A on the West End under WSA’s On-Call Contract. A Design Build Team, including WSA, was then selected to proceed with a GMP package for an 17-gate addition to the West end of Concourse A to accommodate 6 additional Mainline gates, addition of an Apron Level Commuter Facility at the West end of the new addition to serve 6 Regional Jet aircraft, and relocation of 5 Mainline gates from the existing concourse West end to the new addition. This also included replacement of one passenger boarding bridge. This project had an estimated construction cost of $270,000,000.
Concourse A West Expansion Programming Criteria (prior to Feasibility Study above)
A comprehensive information gathering and programming exercise to establish design requirements for a ten mainline gate and six regional jet gate addition to the west end of Concourse A. The resulting document including preliminary planning and programmatic data and design criteria including plans, elevations and preliminary specifications was issued with the Request for Proposals to design/build firms for construction of their first major addition at Denver International Airport. The size of the expansion was estimated at 320,879 SF.
Regional Airline Commuter Facility, United Airlines, Concourse A
United Airlines engaged WSA to explore various conceptual options regarding extending the existing
Concourse A at DIA to provide more gates for United mainline. This feasibility study also explored accommodating various aircraft mix for a new 36-gate commuter facility to replace the existing facility on Concourse B. This new $250,000,000 commuter complex was to provide a convenient facility for the user, including comfortable passenger lounges at the boarding gate and various concessions and airline operations space. A new de-icing pad and holding area were also planned, along with ground maintenance facilities on the apron level. The feasibility study was proposed in conjunction with the City’s airport planning office and their consultants to meet the needs of United as well as present and future needs of the City.
Fastracks Station & South Terminal Expansion
Wong Strauch Architects is a part of the conceptual Design Team that developed the Fastracks Station and South Terminal Expansion. The design of this concept was done with various meetings with RTD, DIA planning staff, and input from Lea & Elliott for train and platform issues. This study was part of the Master Planning Update completed by Ricondo & Associates.
Concourse A West Expansion Feasibility Study
An evaluation of the operational and economic viability of adding three, five or seven main line gates to concourse A, each with the option of an optional commuter facility at the west end. Construction cost estimate of $79 million was established.
Concourse A Re-roof Study
Review of the condition of the existing condition of the roof of Concourse A and recommendations for remedial action.
Concourse A Ceiling Study
Review of the condition of the existing ceilings in the Concourse A public areas and recommendations for remedial action.